Monday, March 22, 2010

Chowder, Citron and serious swag.

Maybe it was just that I was so ecstatic to be on terra firma after our thrilling plane adventures, but I had an amazing time in Seattle at the Yarn Market News conference. The weather was actually better than what we left behind in Tulsa, and there were breathtaking views of Puget Sound:

We worked our way down the seafront, sampling the amazing coffee and the best salmon chowder I have ever tasted (sorry, no photo of that - I was too busy slurping it down to grab my camera).

There were even more lovely views to be had inside the W Hotel, where our conference took place. When you get 100 yarn retailers together in a room, you can only imagine the knitwear on display! We were like a bunch of chimpanzees, picking at each other's garments - "What yarn is this?" "What's that pattern - it's amazing!" My favorite was this "Citron" - can't remember the name of the model but doesn't she look cute?! Citron would be gorgeous in the new Madeline Tosh sock yarn that arrived while we were away (only takes 1-2 skeins!)

Also amazing was this tunic from the cover of Vogue Knitting Winter '09, as worn by Jessica, the adorable organizer from Yarn Market News (on her, it is more of a dress):

The speakers at the seminar were warned not to be discouraged if the audience didn't make eye contact - because of course we would be knitting :)

Everything about the W is uber-cool. Even the coasters:

After 2 days of classes, we got the ultimate treat - a yarn shop crawl of 5 Seattle-area yarn stores! They had a hard time narrowing it down, since there are more than 20 yarn stores in the area! First was Tricoter, where we met the lovely Beryl and Lindy, and spotted this beautiful Alchemy shawl from the Shibori Knits book, I think.

From there, it was on to Fiber Gallery, where we spotted - yes - another Citron! This one was in a Pagewood Farm yarn.

The last shop on the tour was Earth Hues, an amazing place that hand-dyes their own yarns (and other things) from all-natural materials. The color closest to you in the photo is actually made from insects. Neato.

But the best part of the whole trip (besides arriving home after a lovely non-eventful flight)? The swag, baby, the swag! Look at all of this loot! Some of this will probably become door prizes for our Hot Loops party this Saturday night. Except those Addi Lace clicks - they are all mine!!! (And yes, Virginia, we put a bunch of sets on order - expected later this Spring. Call to get on the special order list.)

- Shelley
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Blogger Ms Blondie Knits said...

What a fun trip! I LOVE Seattle, and to combine it with yarniness-- the best! When I visited Tricoter about 6 years back, I got to try on one of the shop models -- the sweater with Noro yarn that is photographed in their first book. BTW, when is Loops coming out with their first book? :-)

March 29, 2010 at 7:49 AM  

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