Monday, December 1, 2008

Je suis une very bad blogger.

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? I'm sure you're all wondering where the heck I've been. Well, any of you who have ever moved - especially after having children - are already aware of the joy in which I've been mired. But things are looking up! We're down to about 10 boxes (out of, I dunno, 593 or so). Most of them are surrounding me here in my office, which is making it really tough to work (must...unpack...must...unpack). So tonight I think I'll drink a giant diet Coke and tackle the last of the mess.

Picture hanging, though, that is another story.

I've decided blank walls are beautiful, in a minimalist sort of way.

Meanwhile, I'm never so busy that I can't knit. Well, yes I am, but I remain determined not to let the responsibilities of life completely rob me of stitching time. So I whipped out a couple of easy projects over the weekend. The first is the Christmas Creep scarf from the e-newsletter that went out today (didn't get yours? email me!).

The second project is this little red beret. So very French. Je t'aime, je t'aime mon petit beret! (Oh Lordy, I so hope my college French teacher is not reading this).

Anyway, this pattern is from Wooly Wormhead, who, despite her name, it a frickin' hat genius. We have been selling her books like crazy. And this pattern is a freebie! Click here for the link.

It was really fun to make in Toconao, one of our newest hand-dyes. It took less than one skein for the medium, and came out just a tad large. I would make a small next time - even though I have a rather largish head. And I will be making it again. Little miss precocious has already demanded a copy - "in blue and purple, puh-lease Mommy."

FYI, I was inspired to knit this hat by Loretta, who made a beautiful one, out of some ridiculously teensy-gauge yarn, from a pattern by that masochistic lady that Loretta went to take a class from in the northeast. This lady is seriously, seriously serious about pattern writing. She wrote, like, an 80-page pattern for a beret. And Loretta is seriously nuts for making them. But I've gotta admit, I loved that hat!

By the way, Loretta, this hat took me, oh, an hour or two. Just sayin'.

- Shelley
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, crap, Shelley! Just when I had myself convinced that I have WAY too many projects in my queue to consider any more, you toss that cute beret at me!


Billie Anne

December 2, 2008 at 8:43 AM  
Blogger loretta said...

Hey, that looks like my hat!!! And it took you just an hour or so, huh? And it was a free pattern too, huh? Well...I needed to gain a bit of humility and patience. And retain my position as not the brightest bulb in the box. Mission accomplished. I'm off to click on the free pattern.

December 5, 2008 at 6:55 PM  

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