Monday, June 25, 2012

Where am I, who am I, and what am I knitting?

Whirlwind really doesn't begin to describe my last 72 hours.

I think I went to Columbus, Ohio with Gina for The National Needlearts Association convention.  I think I was there for Loops, to buy awesome yarn and other cool stuff, but I was also there to meet with some clients of Branders Inc., our branding company.  I think I brought my knitting, but aside from the first hour in the airport waiting to leave Tulsa, I barely had a chance to touch it.  I think there was lots of very fast walking in 3" heels and precious little sleep.  And I think, when I got off the return flight to Tulsa feeling dizzy and fried, I somehow managed to go play a tennis match.  (But I may have dreamed it.)

Here's what I know.

I know we left for the airport at an absolutely unholy hour.  Proof I can sleep with my eyes open:

I know we got to hang out with some really cool people, and got re-acquainted with some old friends (hey, Lobsterpot lady!).
Cashmere queen
Amy from Knit Collage
Amy in a new beret
Gina with Julie from Cocoknits (she's coming here in a few weeks and you really must meet her, she is so fun and brilliant!
Donna from Deep South Fibers, wearing a Habu piece
I know we got some really fun display ideas.
Something new coming from Blue Sky

I know I can't wait until these things come in, because I want to make them all.
Truly, the softest yarn I have ever had the pleasure to touch - this will be on my needles very soon!
A new yarn from Rowan - fun and fast
That's hot designer Josh Bennet in the background
Habu creation
Another project in the uber-soft yarn mentioned above
New design in Alchemy Tweedy - will be free with yarn purchase soon
Lovely Lobster lace
I know that the world really, really doesn't need sheep seat covers.  It's just a hundred ways wrong.  (See, Billie Anne?  I don't buy everything at market).

And I know, now that I'm back in Tulsa, that summer has officially, mercilessly arrived.

Which means, all hail the beginning of summer indoor knitting season!  And now that I've finished blogging, I think I'll go do a little indoor knitting of my own. 'Cause frankly, it's all I've got the energy for.

Wait, where did I put my knitting again?

- Shelley
shop online at loopsknitting.com