I had a garage sale this weekend. Or rather, I had a GARAGE SALE. We moved last November, and the garage was literally filled, floor to ceiling, with boxed that were stuffed and hurriedly labeled "GS" prior to our move. Since a full 6 months has passed, of course I had lost all memory pertaining to what was in the boxes, so opening them was something of a surprise. But I was determined to harden my heart and ruthlessly priced it all to move - $2 was the average selling price.
Why is it so easy to let a $250 lamp go for $2, but so hard to let a My LIttle Pony half-used play-doh set go for $3?
The tortuous Barney toy that played "I love you" over and over, loudly and frantically, became difficult to hand over to the fresh-faced two-year-old holding out the fistful of quarters. I found myself asking my 6-year-old, "Are you SURE you're not going to play with this anymore?"
Maybe it was hormones getting to me. Maybe it was the fumes from the jumbo magic marker I used to price everything. Or maybe it was just memories.
I was equally sentimental about my yarn stash. I only sold 2 yarn items - one big bag each of Rowan Linen Print and Rowan Cork, both discontinued. Both painful to let go. They were nabbed by my friend Jane, who was my best customer of the day, and also hung around awhile to help with the sale - turns out she is a terrific garage-saler. She was even calling friends to come and check out my cute chenille-covered glider rocker (the one I rocked both daughters to sleep in...sob!)
Sorry...no photos of the garage sale. I was too busy running around crazy to take pictures.
And now forgive this leap, but here's a little tidbit, mom-to-mom...have you checked out
Laptop Lunches? I have been raving about these lately. They are plastic compartmentalized lunchboxes designed to cut down on waste (think plastic bags of chips), and help you create more economical, balanced lunches. It actually makes making lunches a lot more fun. I know adults (doctors!) who love them. We've been using them all year and my kids look forward to lunch every day. Really! Check 'em out.
And here's an idea for making your own Mom memories. Sign up for the Helen Hamaan workshop! It's coming up on Saturday, May 5, 11:30-5:30. We moved it to the Polo Grille so we can make room for up to 20 people, and that let us drop the price to $75, which includes lunch by Polo Grille. We go to great lengths to attract major designers like Helen to little 'ol Tulsa. I want to make sure and pack the house! So tell your kids/husband you want the Loops workshop for Mother's Day...you'll get to treat yourself to a full day of knitting, plus maybe they'll throw in a Loops gift card so you can shop some, too. Even better, make it a mother-daughter event and treat each other! But call the store soon to get your spot.
Now on to some new photos...First we have this gorgeous piece created by one of Tulsa's best knitters, Ruth Nelson. This starfish design is from a back-issue of Knitter's magazine. Reminds me of the designs Nora Gaugin's latest book, "Knitting Nature" - which Ruth also bought.
Ruth was working on an amazing piece in Louet Euroflax linen...which she finished up and kindly brought in for me to photograph. Isn't it dramatic? E-mail me or post a comment for info on the pattern.
Yesterday, we got two new books that I'm so excited about. The first is a new and very unique felting book from Ella Rae. It's reminiscent of the Nicky Epstein felted bag book, but with its own fresh, couture look. If you're into felting, you'll definitely want to add this to your collection (I did!):
And from Aurucania, a brand-new book of designs from Jane Ellison. We have long been fans of the Aurucania yarns, especially Patagonia and Nature Cotton, the specialty-dyed chunky organic cottons. This book has fantastic designs for both, plus really cute patterns for Puehon and Quellon, the coordinating yarns that came out last year, but never had pattern support...until now!
See you soon - Shelley
shop online at www.loopsknitting.com